Stefi Cohen has been around the fitness world for a little bit of time now. She first gained attention through the powerlifting world – capturing 25 world records while competing. She is the definition of strong with numbers like a 545 lb deadlift (at 120lbs), 507 lb squat, and 242 lb bench press. If …
Meet Athlete: James Newbury
If you’ve heard the name, James Newbury, you probably associate him with the Crossfit Games. Not only is he a 4-time Crossfit Games athlete and 4-time Australia’s Fittest Man, he also was a semi-professional rugby player and regularly competes in triathlons, Ironmans, powerlifting meets, and many other modalities of training. He is the definition …
Athlete Profile: Evan Centopani's Training Is Money In The Bank
Athlete Profile: Evan Centopani | Leg Day Training | Big Back Routine | Build an Animal Chest | 15-Minute Arm Blast | Get Bigger on a Budget As a child, Evan Centopani was a big lad, weighing in at more than 120 pounds in the first grade. He was naturally large, but he also grew up in the 1980s, when …
What Does It Mean to Be a Natural Athlete?
“I first became aware of performance-enhancing drugs when I was accused of taking them,” recalls IFBB bikini pro Amanda Aguzzi. “I had friends and family ask me or assume I was taking something. Admittedly, this upset me—all of my hard work was finally showing, and people were denouncing it.” In reality, the New York …