Low heart rate training is training your heart to beat at a normal pace while you workout. Read on to know the benefits of this technique While you might think that it is normal for your heart to be racing while exercising, it might not be so. Low heart rate training is your way to […]
If you can’t get into running, going slower could be the key
Could meditation be the secret to a flat stomach?
New research reveals running could have similar benefits to antidepressants
The benefits of exercise for our physical and mental health have long been recognised by experts in every sector of health, with the latest research examining the specific influence regularly running can have on conditions such as depression and anxiety. Exercise, in its many varied forms, already has a pretty …
“I Had No Idea Women Like Me Could Compete”
Growing up, eating fast food was both a necessity and a comfort for Jessica Fauver. Poor eating habits followed her into adulthood, causing her to put on more and more weight in her twenties and thirties. After years of being bullied and picked on and told she was never going to lose weight, Fauver decided enough was enough. That spark …
Podcast Episode 70 – Kelsey Kiel: ''Never in a Million Years Would I Have Thought I Could Do This''
Subscribe To Podcast | More Episodes Listen To Podcast Episode #70 Podcast Episode 70 – Kelsey Kiel: ”Never in a Million Years Would I Have Thought I Could Do This.” Two-time CrossFit Games athlete and former gymnast Kelsey Kiel explains how she gave up obsessing over the scale to embrace a performance-based physique. Kiel …
Why Your Meal Plan Could Be Ruining Your Progress
The Things She Could Not Change Empowered Natalie Barry to Change Everything
The uncontrollable aspects of our lives are the things we try to wish away. For many of us, though, they can be the make-or-break point that sets us on a whole new trajectory. Natalie Barry had many obstacles in her weight-loss journey, but her two most serious challenges—developing polycystic ovary syndrome, known as PCOS, …
The Hormone That Could Be Hindering Your Weight Loss
Sometimes it seems impossible to lean out. You lift weights, eat clean, and you’re still smack-dab in the middle of a plateau! Not only are you not losing fat, you suffer from bloating and low energy levels. Talk about adding insult to injury! If any of this sounds familiar, you may be dealing with …