The time of the bulk is one of joy. There is some discipline required to maintain a consistent calorie surplus, but this adversity is offset by the muscle and strength gains you receive. Yet once the bulk is finished, it’s time for the cut. This is a time of cutting calories and extra …
Best Foods for Gaining Muscle
Muscle growth is no easy task. It is a long process that involves consistent bouts of intense resistance training over the course of many weeks, paired with a consistent caloric surplus. Lifters often find that the latter element is the more difficult part of the bulking journey. To help make things easier, we’ve …
Top 7 Foods for Better Sleep
4 Essential Foods for Budget Bulking
The Best Test-Boosting Foods You're (Hopefully) Already Eating
Testosterone is a vital hormone that plays a crucial role in men’s—and yes, women’s—bodies in a wide range of functions. Just a few include hormonal balance, sex drive, muscle gain, and body composition. Evidence suggests that prioritizing certain nutrients, such as vitamin D and zinc, will help support your testosterone production and free testosterone …
Hot Eats: 5 Foods For Sexual Health
People who suffer from a low libido can find a world of reasons to blame for it: stress, a busy work schedule, kids and family responsibilities, and that occasional, unavoidable dark cloud called “not in the mood.” Knowing what’s behind your losing streak doesn’t make it any easier to bear. It’s easy to laugh …
7 Healthy Foods to Take on Your Summer Road Trip
Summertime. Sunshine. Beaches. Barbecues. Ice cream. For some reason COVID-19 didn’t make the above list, though it has certainly changed the way we’re living and traveling this summer. According to reports, road trips make up 97 percent of summer travel plans currently, and demands for RVs are surging as people are …
Eating to Grow: The Top 10 Foods for Building Muscle
If you’re trying to gain size, you can spend two hours in the weight room, hammering out set after set, but it won’t mean much if you aren’t eating a muscle-focused diet.Size gains come from two foundational actions: tearing the muscle down with training, and building it back up with nutrition. And nutrition means …
5 Healthy Foods, Vitamins, and Minerals For A Strong Diet
As a bodybuilder, it’s easy to focus too much on supplements for building muscle, while forgetting the importance of maintaining general health. Before long, you’re left with a cart containing only whey, pre-workouts, and creatine. If that sounds like you, consider broadening your horizons beyond performance and into overall health. None of these five overlooked gems …
Intermittent Fasting: The Best Foods for Breaking a Fast
Intermittent fasting is not a diet; it’s a pattern of eating. You eat during a certain period of time every day and don’t eat during the rest of the time. It’s simple and straightforward. The most popular fasting pattern is the 16/8 method, in which you eat during a designated 8-hour period only. People …
Bigger by the Dozen: 12 Must-Have Foods for Gaining Size
When it comes to gaining size, I don’t prioritize any one macronutrient over another or consume any of them in significantly greater quantities than the next. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are all crucial for putting on mass. There are many foods that can satisfy your macronutrient and calorie requirements, but I recommend focusing on …
6 Power Foods That Fight Inflammation
Inflammation is an immune response by the body to any damaged tissues. It is the start of the healing process, and without it the body would not be able to heal and recover. You may understand inflammation as the body’s response to cuts, bruises, fractures, muscle tears, infection, and other forms of trauma where …
5 Health Foods You Should Stop Throwing Away
Every day, millions of people toss the equivalent of a multivitamin in the trash. It happens every time someone slices off those extra bits of vegetables and throws them a compost pile, or just throws them away, period. When they do, they’re throwing away some serious nutritional benefits. Many (but not all) edible tops, stems, […]