Table of Contents For some, it’s the morning ritual; for others, an occasional treat, while some skip it altogether. We’re talking about one of the most consumed beverages globally: coffee. But what happens to your body when you give it up? Are there …
Night out? Don’t Let The Hangover Stop You
How to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time
It’s normal to feel a general level of tiredness throughout your day so long as you can recover after a good night’s sleep or a restful weekend. However, chronic fatigue can be a multidimensional issue with physical, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive components not necessarily related to exertion, rest, or sleep (1). There are …
Stop Sweet and Salty Cravings in their Tracks
The battle against cravings can be universal, particularly if you’re training hard and watching what you eat. But the ones that attack each of us are unique and personal. Maybe you can’t say no to sweet treats like cookies and candy. Perhaps you hunger for salty chips and pretzels, for seemingly no good …
What You Can Do to Stop Sexual Harassment in Fitness
#MeToo is a movement, but it’s also a moment. Or more specifically, it’s countless individual moments that may sound shocking at first read, but have a certain familiarity to them the more you listen. And the fitness and health industry has been no exception. Consider this situation: A scientist and speaker found herself sharing …
5 Health Foods You Should Stop Throwing Away
Every day, millions of people toss the equivalent of a multivitamin in the trash. It happens every time someone slices off those extra bits of vegetables and throws them a compost pile, or just throws them away, period. When they do, they’re throwing away some serious nutritional benefits. Many (but not all) edible tops, stems, […]