Celebrity trainer Jono Castano discusses his five pillar approach to a successful and sustainable fitness and weight loss transformation (yes, the approach that helped Rebel Wilson and many more). WANT MORE FROM JONO? For more on Jono’s new book It Starts Today (Affirm Press, $ 32.99), see here. For the Acero Drip app see here, …
The 3-step approach for a fitness transformation
Happy New Extra Healthy-ish Year! Fitness entrepreneur and influencer Zac Perna was a “chubby kid” who changed his outlook and transformed his life – he discusses his three-step approach to transforming not just your fitness, but your life. WANT MORE FROM ZAC? Find Zac’s new book Good Influence (HarperCollins, $ 16.99) …
Super Feast: 10 Plays To Defend Your Transformation Diet
Brendan's Brutal Wolverine Workout Transformation

We’ve all heard tales of the crazy workouts that movie stars go through to portray the spectacular superheroes we see on the big screen. It doesn’t need to be said that the question crossing most of our minds is, “will they work for the average, noncelebrity male wanting the muscles of a Marvel character?” …
9 Tips to Take Your Transformation to the Next Level
Kelsey Horton Changed Her Mindset for a Titan-Style Transformation

It’s a common starting point for women who make a dramatic health transformation: low self-esteem and a negative mindset about food. Listening to how they beat it never gets old. Everyone’s journey is different—how they got there, where it led them, and what impact they hope to have on others. Universal-sponsored athlete Kelsey Horton …
Meet the 2018 $250K Transformation Challenge Winners!

Two hardworking people just got a lot richer, thanks to gym2k.com’s global search for its 2018 $ 250K Transformation Challenge winners, sponsored this year by Optimum Nutrition.Every April, a team of gym2k.com employees and executives select one woman and one man in recognition of the changes they have made to their physiques—and inevitably, their lives—over […]