3 Ways to Eat Chocolate | 3 Ways to Eat Cottage Cheese | 3 Ways to Eat Peanut Butter | 3 Ways to Eat Lentils | 3 Ways to Eat Bananas | 3 Ways to Eat Avocados | 3 Ways to Spice Up Meals It’s a damn shame that, amid all the hype surrounding …
Food fads: One moment kale nabs the spotlight, only to be supplanted by the next thing, whether it’s mache (“mahsh”) or almond butter. The new must-have food darling gets promoted on social media, recipes are written for it, and it is crowned as the latest secret to total health—until the next thing comes along. …
Muscle-Growth Mistakes | Chest Mistakes | Shoulder Mistakes | Triceps Mistakes | Back Mistakes | Leg Mistakes | Calf Mistakes | Ab Mistakes Diehard lifters will tell you that leg day is the most important training day of the week. It’s the one where your body gets the loudest, clearest message to grow. It’s also the day when …
Muscle-Growth Mistakes | Chest Mistakes | Shoulder Mistakes | Biceps Mistakes | Triceps Mistakes | Back Mistakes | Leg Mistakes | Calf Mistakes Mirror-muscle lifters may look good from the front, but we all know what happens when they turn around. Everything disappears! It’s an unfortunate case of “out of sight, out of mind”—and their overall development, posture, and shoulder health usually suffer from it over the long …
Muscle-Growth Mistakes | Chest Mistakes | Shoulder Mistakes | Triceps Mistakes | Back Mistakes | Leg Mistakes | Calf Mistakes No muscle group is as stubborn to grow as calves. Years of little-to-no progress compels plenty of lifters to neglect their lower legs entirely and basically put their calves out to pasture. They become the “my calves don’t grow” type …
Muscle-Growth Mistakes | Chest Mistakes | Shoulder Mistakes | Biceps Mistakes You might think that all that stands between you and the body of your dreams is drive, guts, focus, or determination. That’s what the influencers might tell you. But something else might be blocking you: All those training mistakes that leave you disappointed and injured rather than pumped …
Muscle-Growth Mistakes | Chest Mistakes | Shoulder Mistakes | Biceps Mistakes Google “shoulder training mistakes,” and the search engine will spit out articles featuring advise like “Don’t use bad form,” “Move a full range of motion,” and “Never go too heavy.” Well…duh! You won’t find that kind of overgeneralized silliness here. This is advice by lifters, for lifters, learned the hard …
Once upon a time, it seemed like only young men wanted to build muscle. That’s definitely not the case any longer! But the more people there are who want it, the more people there are who are getting frustrated when the scale doesn’t go up like they planned. If you’ve been working hard but not seeing …
It’s damn-near impossible to search for anything related to women’s fitness without coming across the word “toned.” Magazines, television advertisements, group fitness classes, and diet books all claim to help women get those “toned, sexy arms.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard a friend say, “I wish my arms were more …
Ever see the guys with skinny chicken legs in the gym and on the beach? To be symmetrical, your calves should be around the same size as your arms. Are yours close? Many bodybuilders are in denial about their weak areas and do not bring them up to improve their symmetry. Arnold Schwarzenegger came …
When circumstances are beyond our control, we sometimes have to get creative with our training. Perhaps it’s finding ways to get in sessions at home when the gym just isn’t an option, or maybe we seek training alternatives to come back after an injury or time off. If you face any of these situations, …
Six months after having to make drastic life changes thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, many people are going a bit stir-crazy. Millions have transitioned from working at the office to working from home. Gyms have closed, reopened, and in some cases, closed again. Many of us are now on a first-name basis with our …
Whether it’s supporting your immune and circulatory systems or acting as a critical compound in the production of new collagen peptides or neurohormones, vitabodybuilding.com/store/obvi.htmlmin C performs a singular role—it’s a giver. It donates an electron to a reaction or to a molecule in need. Technically speaking, vitamin C becomes oxidized and temporarily destabilized into …
In the last few years, kettlebells have gone from a popular but still somewhat esoteric strength-training obsession to being considered as a fundamental tool right alongside barbells, dumbbells, body weight, and machines. And it’s no longer just fitness minimalists or “the kettlebell crowd” using them. Case in point: After an interaction over social media, …
Isometrics: strength training without movement. It’s a method championed through the decades by serious sports scientists and researchers. Many of the great modern-day strength coaches have been passionate advocates for isometrics: Louie Simmons, Pavel Tsatsouline, Christian Thibaudeau, Ross Enamait, and many more. And yet, look around online, and you’ll see very few athletes consistently …
Let's take a trip back in time. How far? Back before the gym was cluttered with dudes with camera crews, and stick figure lifters who strain harder for a selfie than they do during a set of squats.Back then, before the … [Read More...]