Jumping jacks is a full-body exercise that can help to burn calories and improve heart health. But do jumping jacks burn belly fat effectively?
As a child, you probably enjoyed jumping in the air. This movement, as fun as it is, is not just for kids. Fitness enthusiasts would recognise it as jumping jacks. It is the kind of exercise that involves your whole body instead of targeting just one or two parts of your body. If belly fat, which can lead to health problems, is a big concern for you, you may wonder if this exercise can help to get you a flat tummy. While this type of exercise can help to burn calories, do jumping jacks burn belly fat? Let’s find out.
What are jumping jacks?
They are a full-body cardio exercise where you jump while spreading your legs and raising your arms overhead, then jump again to return to the starting position. “It is a simple and effective movement that helps increase heart rate while burning calories,” says fitness expert Abhi Singh Thakur. They work your quadriceps, abdominal and shoulder muscles. In this exercise, the focus is on generating maximum strength in short periods of time, as per a study published by ResearchGate in 2017. While this exercise can help you stay fit, can jumping jacks help burn belly fat?

Do jumping jacks burn belly fat?
Visceral fat, one of the types of belly fat, does more than making it hard to zip up your jeans. This type of fat is a risk factor for health problems like type 2 diabetes and heart disease, as per research published in Obesity in 2012. Exercises, particularly high-intensity ones, can decrease abdominal fat, as per research published in Frontiers In Physiology in 2021.
So, do jumping jacks burn belly fat? This is one question that many people have on their mind. “When you do this exercise, your body uses stored fat in the form of energy. However, fat loss does not happen in just one area like your belly,” says the expert. Instead, it reduces fat from all parts of your body, including your belly. But make sure to combine it with a healthy diet and aerobic exercises like running and swimming.
Do jumping jacks burn belly fat only? Other benefits of this exercise
Here’s how this jumping movement can improve your overall health:
- Improves heart health: As a cardiovascular exercise, jumping jacks can strengthen your heart and improve circulation. “It can help lower blood pressure and in turn reduce the risk of heart disease,” says Thakur.
- Strengthens multiple muscle groups: They engage your legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves), core (abs, obliques, lower back), and arms (shoulders, biceps, triceps). “This helps improve muscle endurance and your overall body strength,” says the expert.
- Improves coordination and balance: This exercise requires synchronised arm and leg movements. Over time, this can improve body control and coordination.
How to do jumping jacks?
Do jumping jacks burn belly fat? Yes, they do, if done in the right way. It is important to learn how to do jumping jacks:
- Stand straight with your feet next to each other and arms at your sides.
- Jump up while spreading your legs shoulder-width apart and raising your arms overhead.
- Jump again so that you bring your feet back together and lower your arms.
- Repeat these steps at a steady pace.
To reap more benefits, you can do this exercise 3 to 5 times a week as part of your fitness routine. “If you are a beginner, start with 3 sets of 20 to 30 reps then gradually increase the number,” says Thakur.
Common mistakes to avoid while doing jumping jacks
Here are some mistakes to avoid while doing this exercise to burn belly fat and more:
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- Landing too hard: This can stress your knees and ankles, so always land softly.
- Not engaging your core: Not involving your core will reduce the effectiveness of this exercise, and you won’t be able to enjoy the benefits of jumping jacks.
- Skipping warm-up: Whether it is this exercise or any other move, always do a light warm-up to prevent injuries.
- Slouching posture: Poor posture is bad for your back, so keep your back straight and shoulders relaxed.

Do jumping jacks burn belly fat for everyone?
Do jumping jacks burn belly fat? Yes, but can everyone do them? No, not everyone can do this full-body exercise. Here’s why.
- This exercise involves repeated jumping, which puts pressure on the knees, ankles and hips. “If you already have joint pain, arthritis, or past injuries, the pressure during the exercise can worsen pain or cause further damage,” says the expert.
- During pregnancy, the body releases a hormone called relaxin, which helps loosen up joints and ligaments to prepare for the birth of the child. “Jumping can increase the risk of joint instability, falls, and injuries,” says the expert.
- This exercise can raise heart rate quickly, which can be harmful for people with heart disease and high blood pressure. It can cause dizziness and breathlessness.
- People with osteoporosis, a condition where bones become weak, should avoid it. “The exercise creates impact on the bones, increasing the risk of fractures,” says the expert.
You don’t need a gym or equipment to do jumping jacks. Just a small space to move freely is all you need, making it a convenient exercise for home workouts. Coming back to the question, ‘Do jumping jacks burn belly fat?’ Well, it does more than reducing fat from your tummy. You can do the high-impact exercise to lose overall body fat, but make sure to check with your doctor before doing this exercise, especially if you have a health condition.
Related FAQs
Will I lose weight if I do 100 jumping jacks every day?
Hundred jumping jacks will help burn calories, but alone they won’t cause significant weight loss. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you eat. Doing 100 jumping jacks daily along with a balanced diet and other exercises can contribute to weight loss.
How many jumping jacks one should do to lose 1 kg?
To lose 1 kg, you need to burn 7,700 calories since 1 kg of fat is equal to 7,700 calories. One minute of jumping jacks burns about 8 to 10 calories. To burn 7,700 calories, you would need to do about 38,500 jumping jacks which is a lot. Instead of focusing only on jumping jacks, combining them with other exercises and a healthy diet is a better way to lose weight.
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