#1. Reformer Pilates The power of pulsing, holding and squeezing has never been more obvious, with pilates enthusiasts everywhere holding the ever-popular fitness craze responsible for their buns of steel, rock-hard abs, and immaculate posture. Reformer pilates combines the very best of strength training, classic technique, and injury-preventative stretching, …
These Ripped College Students Get an A+ in Gains!

College Workout Plan | How to Gain Muscle in College | Easy College Meals | Dorm Room Supplements | Ripped Undergrads While it’s never an easy task to remain dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, university life can make it seem impossible. Not so for these shredded college students! These coeds figured out how …
Learn the Olympic Lifts the Right Way with These Moves

A common misconception about Olympic weightlifting is that it’s just made up of two lifts, the snatch and the clean and jerk. Anyone who takes this sport seriously can attest that plenty of their most productive training time is actually spent doing numerous broken-down and re-arranged parts of those two main lifts. Considering getting serious about Oly lifting? Richard LaFountain’s guide …
Patrol Fitness: Cover Your Bases with These 30-Minute Workouts

If sitting is the new smoking, there are few populations more at risk than the modern patrol officer. Twelve hours in a vehicle, most of them spent in an awkward right twist to access the built-in computer, can definitely take its toll on an officer’s posture, strength, and flexibility—not to mention their overall health! …
Add Weight to These Bodyweight Moves and Get Crazy Strong!

Plenty of lifters use bodyweight exercises for high reps to add extra volume to a training program with minimal joint stress. And there’s a ton of benefit to this! But it’s definitely not the only way to train them. With moves like push-ups, rows, and chins, you generally are moving through a large, natural …
Think You're a Badass? These 6 Moves Will Show You Where You're Weak
Protect Your Back With These 4 Strength Coach Secrets!
Supersize Your Shoulders With These Olympia-Level Moves

Since 1965, only 14 men have earned the title of Mr. Olympia. Given their scarcity, surely these men must have some unique insights into what it takes to build an impressive physique. And more often than not, these greats developed a new exercise or technique that led to their stratospheric success. You too can …
Get Your Grill On With These 3 Protein-Packed Vegetarian Foods
Put Your Ball Chair to Good Use With These Workday “Movement Breaks”

So, you want to feel better, lift heavier, and get bigger muscles? Well, there’s an enemy trying to block your every step: your chair. The standard chair wrecks your pelvis, switches off your glutes, freezes your spine, and kills your ability to breathe properly. This is not good. Fortunately, you can counteract …
Safe, Strong Upper-Body Lifting Begins With These Two Ratios

In recent years, chronic shoulder pain has begun rivaling lower-back pain as the preeminent pain complaint among the active population. Considering how prevalent back pain is, that’s some sad and surprising news. But here’s what’s worse: In the case of the shoulder, trends are starting to show that active people are getting hurt more than those who live a purely […]