Many calisthenics exercises for weight loss can promote fat burning, as well as increase metabolism. Read on to learn how to do them. The gym can be a rather daunting place with heavy equipment all around you, and people who know how to use these effortlessly. So, if you are not a gym person, and […]
How to do incline push-ups — and are they more effective than traditional push-ups?
Push-ups help to strengthen your body. Incline push-ups have also gained popularity, especially among beginners. Let us tell you everything about incline push-ups. Push-ups are an effective way to build body strength. It is a popular exercise, as it can be done anywhere and you don’t require any equipment to perform it. Even though push-ups […]
Twisting yoga: 7 asanas for beginners and why they can benefit your health
ZMA and ZMB Support Healthy Testosterone Levels and Sleep. What Other Benefits Can They Provide?
Table of Contents Both ZMA and ZMB are dietary supplements that are especially popular among athletes. They most often promise anabolic effects through the promotion of healthy testosterone levels, athletic performance and quality sleep. Behind the effects of these synergistic formulas is a trio of …
Testosterone, Estrogen and Progesterone: How Do They Impact Weight Loss and Muscle Growth?
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: How Do They Impact the Brain, Heart, Eyes, or Muscles, and How to Take Them?
Bad Exercises: What They Are and Why You Should Avoid Them
What are Electrolytes? Why are they Actually Important?
Electrolytes are minerals dissolved in water or other bodily fluids that carry an electric charge (1). They include sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, and phosphate. Electrolytes are essential for the basic cellular functioning of the human body (2). Sodium Sodium is essential for the proper functioning of the human body by …