If you look into a bodybuilder’s gym bag, you’ll find several items that help them get the most out of their workouts, like chalk, straps, a belt, and headphones. The other tools lifters use are already in the gym—free weights, machines, accessories, and cables. You can do a lot of work for any muscle …
Jim Stoppani's Ultimate Fat-Loss Stack
Scott Mathison's Ultimate Moves to Make your Pecs Pop
Chest day is too short to spend it waiting for someone else to move off of your favorite bench press station or a machine—and then hopefully wipe it down afterward. Cellucor athlete Scott Mathison knows this. It’s one reason why he’s constantly scouting—and creating—movements that maximally hit the big muscle groups with minimum equipment …
The Ultimate Finisher for Bigger Biceps
The Ultimate Finisher for Abs
Ultimate Beginner's Guide to the L-Sit
The Ultimate HIIT Landmine Workout With Tyler Holt
Who says you have to stick to the same old bodybuilding routine? MusclePharm-sponsored athlete and Gym2k.com Spokesmodel finalist Tyler Holt is ready to mix things up by combining strength work with intervals for a challenging workout that still meets his physique goals. “Usually, I stick to my bodybuilding roots when I lift,” explains Holt, …
The Ultimate Summer Booty Workout
IFBB Bikini pro Caryn Nicole Paolini shares her brutal summer booty workout with her best friend, Canadian Bikini pro and certified personal trainer Randi Kennedy—because, what else do best friends do? Co-creators of Her Fit Camp, whose mission is to provide an uplifting, positive, and empowering environment for women, these ladies know exactly how to […]